With platforms like ChatGPT the artificial intelligence becomes more and more mainstream available. From Chatbots answering your questions faster up to image creation tools like Dall-e. All is fascinating. We asked ourself, how typical platform & ecosystem buzzwords would have been interpreted and painted by worlds-best artists. Enjoy our vernissage of “platforms meet art”.Read More
It all started in 2019, pre-Corona, that Philip Meier (PHd Researcher on Platforms), Carsten Hahn (Prof. in Karlsruhe for Platform Economics) and Bernd Weidmann (Co-Founder of Wind-turbine.com platform) initiated the Slack community “Plattform Macher”. Aim was to bring together like minded people and platform builders to give them a space to interact and exchange their...Read More
In our current podcast episode, we look at an aspect that doesn’t come up so often in our conversations: the closing of a B2B platform – and reasonable next steps. For this, we caught up with Henrik Hahn from Evonik Industries.Read More
In our latest Episode we were very pleased to welcome Thilo Kassen, Executive Manager of PRISMA European Capacity Platform, the leading gas capacity platform in Europe. Together with Thilo we discussed the interesting shareholder model behind the company and how sustainability and climate change affect the future gas market in the long run.Read More
Corporates understand that platforms can be a strategic way to scale and win business. But platforms also require a new set of skills and tactics to succeed, different from the traditional ones. However, there is a clear gap between education and market demand. Today, our two guest experts Peter Evans, Managing Director of the Platform...Read More
Read what has been discussed at the MIT Platform Strategy Summit 2020 and learn more about the latest trends regarding Platform Talent, Experience Economy, Ecosystem Approaches and how corporates embrace the combination of physical-digital.Read More
How to respond to a crisis as a multi-sided business Key Takeaways for the Reader Platforms are not immune against the Corona Virus and some of them are in major troubleTo survive a crisis a structured 4-step process is requiredThe process is led by a “Crisis Response Team”A new “Crisis Response Canvas” supports the work...Read More