Quickly Check your Platform Business Model Maturity Level and get helpful advise based on best practices of >250 platform ventures ABOUT THE ASSESSMENT PLATFORM ASSESSMENT PERFORM THE ASSESSMENT

Why should I check my platform business model?

Modern platform business models work differently compared to classic, linear businesses like service or product companies. They orchestrate multi-sided ecosystems of users, scale by network effects, have different monetization strategies and are based on digital IT architectures. 

Since >10 years we are building our own platform ventures and helped hundreds of startups, SMEs and bigger corporates to launch and scale platforms. 

Based on that experience we were able to identify best practices and put them into an advanced assessment tool to help founders on their journey to avoid risks and to identify strengths and weaknesses quickly.

Who should use the Quick Assessment?

The Quick-Assessment is an Early Stage tool, helping founders, entrepreneurs and innovation teams to evaluate their platform venture in the stages: 
– Idea / Concept
– Launch
– Early Growth

It helps you to determine the current maturity level, strengths, weaknesses and gives valuable tipps to improve.

Best Practices of >250 Platforms

We analyzed over 250 proven platform ventures and identified key best practices. 

Reporting of Strength & Weaknesses

The assessment will help you to identify your maturity level in 4 major categories.

Less than 10 minutes

This quick assessment takes about 5-10 minutes max with a strong focus on the key elements.

The Platform Assessment

Introduction to the Assessment

4 Dimensions, 13 Key Areas

Based on our research on best practices of successful platform businesses, we identified that they are strong in 4 Dimensions and the interplay between them.


  • Market (Demand & Supply Side)
  • Solution (Value Proposition, Tech, Data, Partner)
  • Business (Monetization, Network Effects)
  • Capabilities (Chicken-Egg, Strategy, People)

Based on the analysis you will get a Strength & Weaknesses reporting in the key dimensions.



<12 Points

Your platform maturity is low and it looks like that you are in the concept stage. Some strengths are visible, but it takes a lot of work to the next level. 


12-23 Points

Your platform maturity is medium and it looks like that you are in the launch phase and it requires some further validation.


>24 points

Your platform maturity is high and you have already traction in the market. Great. Now you need to unlock network effects to fully scale your business.

The Questionaire

Interested in a comprehensive entrepreneurial feedback?

The full analysis by serial entrepreneurs

Advanced Assessment

You want to go deeper and increase the chances of success?

You want to explore the full potential of your platform?

Get the feedback from serial platform entrepreneurs with our Advanced Assessment.

  • 2 weeks
  • Incl. 4 Remote Sessions
  • Invite your team and investors
  • Incl. comprehensive market analysis, business model check and recommendations

Get in contact to receive a quote.



    pricing per month
    • Structured process, 100% Remote
    • Up to 3 People at the same time
    • Business Development
    • Tech Development
    • Marketing, HR, Finance
    • Partner Management
    Get in Contact

    Let's co-create a better future

    Launching and scaling a platform business is risky. Why not co-creating it with serial founders who have gone through the process multiple times?

    Our VBaaS is ideal for startups and SMEs with limited investments, limited time and resources. 

    Together with our Venture Building Team we co-create together your platform. Going from early stage concepts and validations, towards MVP building, launching and scaling it to traction. All the way. Shared motivation. 

    The VBaaS includes

    • Access to 3 people from our team at the same time
    • Highly structured process
    • Executed remotely, worldwide available
    • Advisory for Strategy, Business Development, Investment
    • Tech Development for MVP or Platform
    • Branding and Online Marketing
    • HR, Finance 
    • Access to investor network

    Don’t wait, reduce the risks and increase the chances of success and get in contact to schedule a video call where we can understand your situation, challenges and together find the best way forward.

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