With platforms like ChatGPT the artificial intelligence becomes more and more mainstream available. From Chatbots answering your questions faster up to image creation tools like Dall-e. All is fascinating. We asked ourself, how typical platform & ecosystem buzzwords would have been interpreted and painted by worlds-best artists. Enjoy our vernissage of “platforms meet art”.
All pictures were generated by AI tool DALL-E 2 – visit https://openai.com/dall-e-2/ for more information.
Here is our “Platforms Meet Art” Vernissage
Picaso, please paint a digital marketplace like Amazon

Leonardo da Vinci, please paint network effects

Vincent van Gogh, please paint a digital ecosystem with sunflowers

Claude Monet, please paint a crypto currency like bitcoin

Michaelangelo, please paint the chicken-egg-problem

Rembrandt, please paint a social network

Vermeer, please paint a picture of “winner-takes-all”

Rubens, please paint a picture of a platform strategy

Banksy, please paint an API

I’m sure this is just the beginning. More to come.
Which platform topics you would like to get painted?