Based on our research on best practices of successful platform businesses, we identified that they are strong in 4 Dimensions and the interplay between them.
Based on the analysis you will receive a maturity level scoring overall but also for each dimension, helping you to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
The three maturity levels are:
Please find a detailed reporting below according to the separated by the different dimensions.
We also recommend canvases from the Toolkit you could use to dive deeper into a specific topic.
Based on your answers you achieved a total score of 3480 of 120 maximum points.
Based on that, your platform maturity is low and you are on level “Concept“. It looks like that you are in the early stages. Some strengths are visible, but it takes a lot of work to the next level.
Below you will find some more details of how you scored in each dimension. If you have any questions and you need some recommendations, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
The market dimension of this platform business model assessment involves analyzing the size, growth rate, and competitiveness of the target market that the business operates in. This analysis also includes identifying customer needs, preferences, and behaviors, as well as understanding the key market trends and dynamics of the business ecosystem. A thorough assessment of the market dimension can help businesses identify opportunities and challenges, develop effective marketing strategies, and make informed decisions about product development, pricing, and distribution. Ultimately, understanding the market dimension is essential for creating a sustainable and profitable business model.
Ecosystem Forces Scan Canvas
Market Sizing Canvas
Ecosystem Journey Canvas
Assessing the business dimensions of a platform business model involves evaluating various criteria that are unique to this type of business model – understanding the platform’s network effects, assessing the platform’s revenue streams, monetization / pricing strategies. Additionally, it is essential to evaluate the platform’s scalability, its ability to create and capture value, and its competitive positioning within the market. A comprehensive assessment of these criteria can help businesses identify opportunities and challenges, develop effective strategies, and create a sustainable and profitable platform business model.
Platform Value Canvas
Long Tail Discovery Canvas
Network Effects Stimulation Canvas
Network Effects Reinforcement Engines
Assessing the technical solution and platform-solution-fit of a platform business model involves evaluating several criteria that are essential for the platform’s success. This includes analyzing the platform’s architecture and infrastructure, assessing its data management capabilities, and evaluating the platform’s compatibility with existing systems and technologies.
Additionally, it is crucial to evaluate the platform’s scalability, reliability, and security, as well as its ability to handle high volumes of traffic and transactions. Another key criterion is the platform’s user experience, including ease of use, accessibility, and responsiveness.
Finally, it is essential to assess the platform’s ability to meet the needs and expectations of its users and stakeholders, as well as its alignment with the overall business strategy. A comprehensive evaluation of these criteria can help businesses identify technical challenges and opportunities, make informed decisions about platform development and improvement, and ensure a successful platform-solution-fit for the platform business model.
MVP Canvas
Platform Value Stack
Platform Opportunity
Platform Service Design
Assessing the strategy and core capabilities, including the team, of a platform business model involves evaluating several criteria critical for the platform’s success.
Firstly, the business model’s strategic positioning in the market but also the long term roadmap. Here we distinguish between 3 horizons – shortterm, midterm and longterm – this includes the platform’s ability to innovate, adapt, and scale should be assessed to ensure its long-term success
Secondly, the team’s composition, experience, and expertise should be evaluated to ensure they can execute the business model effectively.
Thirdly, the platform’s governance and control mechanisms should be assessed to ensure that they align with the overall business strategy and are robust enough to manage risks and ensure compliance.
A comprehensive evaluation of these criteria can help businesses identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and make informed decisions about strategy, capabilities, and team development, ultimately leading to a successful platform business model.
Venture Governance
Platform Evolution
Platform Team
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