Your Detailed Results

A detailed reporting of your platform assessment
Introduction to the Assessment

4 Dimensions, 13 Key Areas

Based on our research on best practices of successful platform businesses, we identified that they are strong in 4 Dimensions and the interplay between them.


  • Market (Demand & Supply Side)
  • Solution (Value Proposition, Tech, Data, Partner)
  • Business (Monetization, Network Effects)
  • Capabilities (Chicken-Egg, Strategy, People)

Based on the analysis you will receive a maturity level scoring overall but also for each dimension, helping you to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

The three maturity levels are:



<12 Points

Your platform maturity is low and it looks like that you are in the concept stage. Some strengths are visible, but it takes a lot of work to the next level. 


12-23 Points

Your platform maturity is medium and it looks like that you are in the launch phase and it requires some further validation.


>24 points

Your platform maturity is high and you have already traction in the market. Great. Now you need to unlock network effects to fully scale your business.

Your Total Score

We also recommend canvases from the Toolkit you could use to dive deeper into a specific topic.

Your Overall Score


3415 / 120

Your Overall Maturity Level


Based on your answers you achieved a total score of 3415 of 120 maximum points.


Based on that, your platform maturity is low and you are on level “Concept“. It looks like that you are in the early stages. Some strengths are visible, but it takes a lot of work to the next level.

Below you will find some more details of how you scored in each dimension. If you have any questions and you need some recommendations, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Overview of your Scorings in the 4 Dimensions

1st Dimension - The Market

Your Market Score

0 / 30

Your Market Maturity Level


Market Dimension

The market dimension of this platform business model assessment involves analyzing the size, growth rate, and competitiveness of the target market that the business operates in. This analysis also includes identifying customer needs, preferences, and behaviors, as well as understanding the key market trends and dynamics of the business ecosystem. A thorough assessment of the market dimension can help businesses identify opportunities and challenges, develop effective marketing strategies, and make informed decisions about product development, pricing, and distribution. Ultimately, understanding the market dimension is essential for creating a sustainable and profitable business model.

  • Ecosystem-Understanding (Scope, Stakeholders / Players)
  • Problem-Solution Fit (Understanding user needs, how well does your solution solve and attract users)
  • Market size and fragmentation
  • Solving the chicken-egg-strategy to attract users

Based on your results, we recommend the following canvases for you

Ecosystem Forces Scan Canvas

Market Sizing Canvas

Ecosystem Journey Canvas

2nd Dimension - Business Model

Your Business Model Score

0 / 30

Your Business Model Maturity Level


Business Model Dimension

Assessing the business dimensions of a platform business model involves evaluating various criteria that are unique to this type of business model – understanding the platform’s network effects, assessing the platform’s revenue streams, monetization / pricing strategies. Additionally, it is essential to evaluate the platform’s scalability, its ability to create and capture value, and its competitive positioning within the market. A comprehensive assessment of these criteria can help businesses identify opportunities and challenges, develop effective strategies, and create a sustainable and profitable platform business model.

  • Market Sizing & Fragmentation
  • Monetization & Pricing Strategies
  • Network Effects & Reinforcement Engines
  • Business Case & Long Term Scaleability
  • Impact to Profitability, People and Planet

Based on your results, we recommend the following canvases for you

Platform Value Canvas

Long Tail Discovery Canvas

Network Effects Stimulation Canvas

Network Effects Reinforcement Engines

3rd Dimension - Solution

Your Solution Score

0 / 30

Your Solution Maturity Level


Solution Dimension

Assessing the technical solution and platform-solution-fit of a platform business model involves evaluating several criteria that are essential for the platform’s success. This includes analyzing the platform’s architecture and infrastructure, assessing its data management capabilities, and evaluating the platform’s compatibility with existing systems and technologies.

Additionally, it is crucial to evaluate the platform’s scalability, reliability, and security, as well as its ability to handle high volumes of traffic and transactions. Another key criterion is the platform’s user experience, including ease of use, accessibility, and responsiveness.

Finally, it is essential to assess the platform’s ability to meet the needs and expectations of its users and stakeholders, as well as its alignment with the overall business strategy. A comprehensive evaluation of these criteria can help businesses identify technical challenges and opportunities, make informed decisions about platform development and improvement, and ensure a successful platform-solution-fit for the platform business model.

  • MVP Definition to Validate Key hypothesis
  • Platform Value Stack
  • Platform Service & Experience Design

Based on your results, we recommend the following canvases for you

MVP Canvas

Platform Value Stack

Platform Opportunity

Platform Service Design

4th Dimension - Capabilities & Strategy

Your Capabilities Score

0 / 30

Your Capabilities Maturity Level


Capabilities & Strategy Dimension

Assessing the strategy and core capabilities, including the team, of a platform business model involves evaluating several criteria critical for the platform’s success.

Firstly, the business model’s strategic positioning in the market but also the long term roadmap. Here we distinguish between 3 horizons – shortterm, midterm and longterm – this includes the platform’s ability to innovate, adapt, and scale should be assessed to ensure its long-term success

Secondly, the team’s composition, experience, and expertise should be evaluated to ensure they can execute the business model effectively.

Thirdly, the platform’s governance and control mechanisms should be assessed to ensure that they align with the overall business strategy and are robust enough to manage risks and ensure compliance.

A comprehensive evaluation of these criteria can help businesses identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and make informed decisions about strategy, capabilities, and team development, ultimately leading to a successful platform business model.

  • Team Capabilities
  • Governance
  • Roadmap

Based on your results, we recommend the following canvases for you

Venture Governance

Platform Evolution

Platform Team

Interested in a comprehensive entrepreneurial feedback?

The full analysis by serial entrepreneurs

Advanced Assessment

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You want to explore the full potential of your platform?

Get the feedback from serial platform entrepreneurs with our Advanced Assessment.

  • 2 weeks
  • Incl. 4 Remote Sessions
  • Invite your team and investors
  • Incl. comprehensive market analysis, business model check and recommendations

Get in contact to receive a quote.

    How you answered the questionaire

    How well do you know the important stakeholders of your platform and the business rules between them?
    - Multiple Choice -

    The relevant consumers (demand-side) groups are known
    The main producers (supply-side) are known
    The possible partners are sufficiently known
    The business rules (e.g. terms & conditions, regulatory requirements) between the different groups are known
    none of the above

    Which of the following things have you analyzed and validated for your business?
    - Multiple Choice -

    I know and have validated the benefits that consumers/producers/partners derive from using the platform
    I have a clear pricing / monetization strategy and know how to make money through the platform
    I understood and build the platform on rising market trends
    I have described the main business risks and know how to mitigate them
    None of the above

    How big is the market for products and services affected by the platform?
    Try to determine the trade volume of all services and goods possible through your platform.

    Less than 100 million
    Less than 1 billion euros
    Less than 10 billion euros
    More than 10 billion euros

    How many consumers (demand-side) are there for products and services affected by the platform?

    Up to 1000
    Up to 10.000
    Up to 100.000
    100.000 or more
    This information is not available

    How many producers (supply-side) are there for products and services affected by the platform?

    Up to 10
    Up to 100
    Up to 1000
    1.000 or more

    How do you implement the contractual relationships between the stakeholders of the platform?
    - Multiple Choice -

    The contractual relationships are standardised
    The contractual conditions are unique
    Contracts and conditions are public
    None of the above

    How does the price change for the customer when purchasing the product or service via the platform?

    The price increases
    The price remains unchanged
    The price decreases slightly (<5% reduction)
    The price drops significantly(>5% reduction)
    The pricing model is new and not comparable (e.g. subscription model instead of purchase)

    What advantages does the customer have when using the platform?
    - Multiple Choice -

    The customer has a better choice of goods and services
    The client has better prices or another attractive pricing scheme
    The buying process is simplified or more pleasant
    The customer has added value that he does not receive with a classic purchase (e.g. integrated insurance, delivery at a certain time, ...)
    None of the above

    How proven is IT implementation of the business model ?

    There is a detailed implementation concept
    A prototype or MVP is implemented
    All essential functions are implemented
    The IT solution has been in productive use for more than three months
    None of the above

    For which stakeholder group does the IT implementation in the platform have advantages over the status quo
    (e.g. faster, easier, additional functions)?
    - Multiple Choice -

    Other (e.g. partner, society)
    None of the above

    How is the platform's transaction data used?
    - Multiple Choice -

    The platform stores data from users' transactions, but does not use them for the time being
    Stored data from transactions improves the usability of the platform
    Stored data is used for value-added services
    There are independent digital products based on the stored data
    None of the above

    How often will a typical user access the platform ?

    Several times a day
    Several times a week
    Several times a month
    Several times a year
    Less frequently

    What is the profit margin (EBIT) of an average producer (supply-side) of products and services affected by the platform ?

    Up to 2%
    Up to 10%
    Up to 25%
    More then 25%

    What fee model will the platform use?
    - Multiple Choice -

    One-off fee to use the platform
    Regular fees or subscriptions
    Fees that depend on the quantity of uses (pay per use)
    Fees that depend on the value of the transactions (e.g. commissions)
    None of the above

    What reasons are there for customers to continue using the platform after one use?
    - Multiple Choice -

    The product or services require regular deliveries
    The product or service is updated
    Other product or the services related to purchases made are required
    None of the above

    Is the current business plan is available?
    - Multiple Choice -

    Sales volumes and revenues are forecasted for three years or more.
    The turnover-related costs and fixed costs are planned for three years or more
    The development of the operating results and the resulting capital requirements for the next three years are known
    A monthly liquidity plan of the project end for at least the next 12 months is available.
    None of the above

    Which goals of the company are described and how?
    - Multiple Choice -

    Vision, mission and purpose are set out in writing
    Values, guidelines or processes are described
    KPIs are defined for key goals of the company
    These KPIs are regularly measured and evaluated
    None of the above

    What is the state of product development planning?
    - Multiple Choice -

    An MVP is planned or already implemented.
    A roadmap for the development of the products or services for at least 12 months is available
    The product roadmap has been updated regularly for at least three months
    None of the above

    What is the situation of the founding team?
    - Multiple Choice -

    The founding team is complete
    The founders bring in all the necessary competences
    The founders are 100% engaged in the project
    The necessary strategic supporters, also outside the founder team, are known and involved
    None of the above

    How are the total necessary investments ensured?

    The first steps (<10% of the total requirement) are secured
    Initial major funding (between 10% and 50% of total needs) has been secured
    Most (more than half) of the total demand is covered
    The project is fully financed
    There is no funding yet