Monetization Canvas Purpose The Monetization Canvas helps you to build a solid business
case for your platform business by looking in detail to your
revenue streams and your cost structure. Instructions How
to begin 1. List your stakeholders. 2. Define a timeframe. 3. Define the monetization model for each stakeholder. 4. Sum up all revenues. 5. Define the costs for acquiring the stakeholders. 6. Define the variable unit costs. 7. Define the operational costs. 8. Sum up all costs. Core elements of the canvas Core elements of the canvas Operational Costs Kind of fixed costs to operate the platform, or to run the core business 01 Unit Costs Variable costs for each transaction or service you
provide. E.g.costs for a 3rd party service you buy from a
partner (payment, API) 02 Acquisition Costs What are the costs to acquire the different
stakeholders? E.g. marketing / sales 03 Total Costs Sum of all costs for a defined timeframe (1st year,
2nd year, 3rd year) 04 Consumer Revenues Define the monetisation model and then define the expected revenues for specific timeframes. 05 Producer Revenues Define the monetisation model and then define the expected revenues for specific timeframes 06 Partner Revenues Define the monetisation model and then define the expected revenues for specific timeframes 07 Total Revenues Sum of alll revenues for a defined timeframe 08
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